The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it’s the illusion of knowledge (Stephen Hawking)

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so (Mark Twain)

Invest with smart knowledge and objective odds


Memorial Day reminds me to thank donators to Edge and Odds, something I too often neglect to do, buried in my rather busy schedule, which includes self-imposed leisure time away from the laptop to keep some level of sanity.

I am embarrassed to say that this neglect seems to go back to the spring of 2022. Sincere apologies. Time does fly, even more than we think. My late mother-in-law used to say “the slower I get, the faster time goes by”. So true.

I know I will not be able to find time to personally thank all of you, so here’s my public thank you to (in no particular order):


Hopefully, I did not forget anybody for whom I have the basic info. Others I will need to contact directly (or you send me your full names to edgeandodds [at]


Donations are truly appreciated given inflation is hitting the blog from everywhere.

I intend the blog to remain free and open to everybody, devoid of annoying ads and popups. There is no plan to create a premium subscription. You are all premium subscribers and readers to me.

But I’m very grateful to everyone who has kindly supported me, thereby helping everybody else.

There is no donation too small. Many opt for a monthly $5 or $10 donation, a feature Stripe conveniently offers.

Sincere thanks.
