The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it’s the illusion of knowledge (Stephen Hawking)

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so (Mark Twain)

Invest with smart knowledge and objective odds

NEW$ & VIEW$ (24 FEBRUARY 2014)

Home Sales Hit 18-Month Low Home sales fell in January to their lowest level in 18 months as higher prices and mortgage rates squeezed buyers who continue to face shortages of properties for sale.

Sales of previously owned homes fell by 5.1% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.62 million, the National Association of Realtors said Friday. The median sales price in January stood at $188,900, up 10.7% from a year earlier.

Sales volumes are being challenged by reduced affordability of homes and severe winter weather in many parts of the country—two factors putting a damper on demand. But real-estate agents say the market also is being constrained by a lack of supply. There were only 1.9 million homes on the market in January, according to the Realtors’ group. While that was a 2.2% increase from December, only three months during the past 12 years have seen inventories at even lower levels. (…)

Construction of new homes also remains near its lowest level in 50 years. Builders completed fewer than 570,000 new single-family homes last year, down from an average of 1.1 million from 1990 through 2003. (…)

Mortgage Troubles Near Prerecession Levels The number of Americans who are behind on their mortgages and the backlog of homes in the foreclosure process are approaching prerecession levels.

The U.S. mortgage delinquency rate—loans that are a payment or more behind but not yet in foreclosure—fell to 6.39% of loans in the fourth quarter of 2013, down from 7.09% a year ago and the lowest rate since the early months of recession in the first quarter of 2008, according to a report Thursday by the Mortgage Bankers Association.

The backlog of foreclosure inventory also fell to its lowest level since 2008, while the number of loans on which lenders initiated foreclosure was the lowest since 2006, which was when the housing bubble was starting to burst. (…)

Another encouraging sign: Three-quarters of the nation’s troubled loans were made in 2007 or earlier, and delinquency rates for loans made after that point are around historical norms, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. “The legacy of very high foreclosure rates is a problem of older loans,” said Michael Fratantoni, the MBA’s chief economist.

(…) In October, 11.4% of loans were “underwater,” according to Black Knight, down from about 19% at the start of last year.(…)

Western markets like California and Arizona were among the hardest hit by the real-estate bust, but now have foreclosure inventories that rank among the bottom handful of states. (…) Some 1.25% of California mortgages were in foreclosure at the end of 2013, well below the national average, according to the MBA.

Some states are further along than others in reducing the backlog of foreclosures. Most of the nation’s highest foreclosure inventory rates are in the “judicial states,” where banks must get court approval to foreclose.

Florida, a judicial state, had the nation’s highest share of loans in foreclosure, 8.56%. Still, that was down to a bit more than half of its peak rate. New Jersey and New York—also judicial states—were next on the list and were the only other states with foreclosure inventory rates above 6%. The MBA said that 15 of the 17 states where the foreclosure inventory was higher than the national average were judicial states.

Judicial review has stretched out the foreclosure process, in part because banks have struggled to provide the proper paperwork to demonstrate ownership of mortgages. That has given homeowners more time to work out their debts. But some economists say it has hindered housing markets by slowing the repossession of abandoned or blighted properties.

Real Retail Sales

Doug Short does the math on real retail sales:

With yesterday’s release of the January Consumer Price Index [+0.1% MoM], we can now calculate Real Retail Sales for the underlying sales data released on February 13th. Nominal Retail Sales had fallen 0.4% month-over-month, the second month of contraction, and are up only 0.3% year-over-year (see my detailed overview here). When we adjust for inflation, January sales were down 0.6% MoM. The YoY change was a fractional 0.1% growth. Real sales are down 0.9% from their all-time high in November.

Doug’s numbers reveal that real retail sales have lost in the last 2 months all the gains recorded since June.

Drilling down, from HARD PATCH COMING?:

“Non-Auto Discretionary Sales” (core less food and gasoline) declined 0.3% in each of January and December and are down 0.4% over the last 3 months. During the 3 most important months of the year,nominal non-auto discretionary sales declined at a 1.1% annualized rate. We will get the January CPI later this week but we already know that Core CPI rose 0.3% during November and December. If January comes in at +0.1%, we could infer that real non-auto discretionary sales have dropped at a 2.3% annualized rate between November 2013 and January 2014.

Feds Withhold Water To California Farmers For First Time In 54 Years

The US Bureau of Reclamation released its first outlook of the year and finds insufficient stock is available in California to release irrigation water for farmers. This is the first time in the 54 year history of the State Water Project. “If it’s not there, it’s just not there,” notes a Water Authority director adding that it’s going to be tough to find enough water, but farmers are hit hardest as “they’re all on pins and needles trying to figure out how they’re going to get through this.” Fields will go unplanted (supply lower mean food prices higher), or farmers will pay top dollar for water that’s on the market (and those costs can only be passed on via higher food prices).

OECD warns of new era of slower growth Report pinpoints failure of emerging economies to launch reforms

The world risks slipping into an era of slower growth and high unemployment unless governments push ahead with sweeping structural reforms, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development warned ahead of this weekend’s talks between G20 finance ministers and central bankers in Sydney. (…)

The OECD’s “Going for Growth” report found that the intensity of structural reform measures remained highest in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain, where action was being taken to reform the labour market.

But it pinpointed the failure of many emerging economies to launch comprehensive structural reform agenda. (…)


Small Investors Back in the Trading Game Individuals are ramping up trading at discount brokerages, and they are borrowing more against their portfolios to increase bets.

(…) Average daily client trades at E*Trade Financial totaled about 160,000 in the fourth quarter of 2013, up 25% from a year earlier. At TD Ameritrade, clients made 414,000 trades a day on average in the quarter ended Dec. 31, up 24% from a year earlier. Charles Schwab Corp. SCHW +0.50% customers made 488,000 trades a day on average, up 8%.

The trend continued in January, even as stocks fell. At E*Trade, daily trades were up 27% from a year earlier. At TD Ameritrade and Schwab, the increases were 28% and 17%, respectively. TD notched a record number of monthly trades in January, Charles Schwab hit a five-year high and E*Trade reached a level unseen since the “flash crash” of May 2010.

Not only are investors trading more, but they also are borrowing more against their portfolios to increase their bets. In December, margin debt hit an all-time high of $444.93 billion, not adjusted for inflation, up 35% from a year earlier, according to the New York Stock Exchange. (…)

At E*Trade, client trades from mobile accounted for 8.4% of total trades in 2013, up from 4.3% in 2011.

“Mobile remains a major focus for us,” said John Matos, a senior vice president at E*Trade who oversees the brokerage’s digital channels. “Our customers are increasingly engaging with their finances on tablets and smartphones, as evidenced by a record portion of trades being placed” through mobile technologies. (…)

“You see somebody make a lot of money in a day,” he said, “and that shows you it’s possible.”

Crying face Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

Investors Like the View in Europe Investors have been buying European stock funds, focusing on a brightening economic outlook and low interest rates.

catInvestors have sent $24.3 billion into European equity funds this year through Feb. 19, according to fund tracker EPFR Global. U.S. stock funds have seen $5 billion in outflows.

In the exchange-traded-fund world, three of the top four stock-based funds in terms of investor inflows in 2014 are the Vanguard FTSE Europe, the iShares MSCI EMU and the Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETFs—all of which have heavy exposure to Europe. The three have seen a combined $4.23 billion in new money this year, while $19.1 billion has flowed out of the largest U.S. stock ETF, the SPDR S&P 500 fund.

The Stoxx Europe 600 index is up 2.4% this year, compared with a 0.7% decline in the S&P 500 index of U.S. companies and a 2.9% drop in the 30-stock Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Just kidding Just in case you missed what most people seem to have missed:

Total retail volume dropped 1.6% MoM in December in the EA17. Over the last 4 months, retail volume is down 1.8%, that is a 5.4% annualized rate! Core sales volume dropped 1.8% in December and is down 1.5% since September (-4.6% annualized). Real sales dropped 2.5% in Germany (-2.4% in last 4 months), 3.6% in Spain (-6.0%), 1.0% in France (-1.2%).


And this from Markit on January sales:

January eurozone retail PMI® data from Markit showed the first rise in sales for five months. And although only slight, the increase was the fastest since April 2011. Germany was the driver of growth, posting its most marked improvement in trade since August. France’s drag on the currency union’s overall performance meanwhile diminished as sales there fell at a much slower pace than in December, whereas Italy saw another solid decrease.

Don’t believe this is unrelated:

Euro-Zone Consumer Prices Fall at Steepest Rate on Record  Sharp Drop in Prices Is Sign of Weak Domestic Demand

Eurostat, the European Union’s official statistics agency, said Monday that consumer prices in the 18 nations that use the euro fell 1.1% in January from December, a record fall driven by sharpest decline in underlying inflation in a year. That “core” gauge of prices, which excludes the relatively volatile prices of energy, food, alcohol and tobacco, dropped 1.7% on the month.

Eurostat said the annual rate of inflation was unchanged in January at 0.8%, close to a four-year low and less than half the ECB’s target of a little under 2%.

BTW: Italy, the euro zone’s third largest economy, showed a 2.1% MoM decline, the biggest drop from among all euro zone members.

Daimler Truck Sales Rose in January The rise was boosted by demand in the U.S., Asia and Western Europe.

(…) While European demand was healthy in January, orders in Europe were more muted in February, Mr. Bernhard said.

Draghi Highlights Importance of March ECB Meeting

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi Sunday signaled the central bank’s March policy meeting could be critical in determining whether the ECB will provide additional stimulus to shore up the nascent euro-zone economic recovery.

“By then we’ll have the full set of information needed for us to decide whether to act or not,” the central bank chief said here at a meeting of global financial leaders. (…)

Both Mr. Praet and Mr. Draghi dismissed fears of deflation. Inflation expectations in the euro zone are well anchored, Mr. Draghi said.Confused smile

“We still see progress, but we still see downside risks to recovery,” Mr. Draghi said, noting the recovery in Europe is “modest, fragile, with uneven levels of activity.”

China property prices continue to rise Speed of growth cools but prices still up 9.6% year-on-year

New housing prices in China’s 70 biggest cities rose 9.6 per cent year on year in January, down from 9.9 per cent in December, according to a population-weighted average. Of the 70 cities monitored by the national bureau of statistics, six posted price declines from the previous month, up from just two in December.

New home prices in Shanghai and Beijing rose 20.9 and 18.8 per cent in January from a year earlier, respectively, slowing a touch from their 21.9 and 20.6 per cent increases in December.

Global Economy Collapses Despite 4th “Warmest” January On Record

The last 3 weeks have seen the macro fundamentals of the G-10 major economies collapse at the fastest pace in almost 4 years and almost the biggest slump since Lehman. Despite a plethora of data showing that ‘weather’ is not to blame, US strategists, ‘economists’, and asset-gatherers are sticking to the meme that this is all because of the cold on the east coast of the US (and that means wondrous pent-up demand to come). However, as the New York Times reports, for the earth, it was the 4th warmest January on record.

G-10 macro data is collapsing…

Venezuela Youth Drive Protests Against ‘Chavismo’ Students and recent graduates form the backbone of an increasingly raucous movement that has become the most formidable challenge President Nicolás Maduro has faced since taking office last April.
Oil at the heart of Venezuela’s turmoil Scrimping on PDVSA raises likelihood of more unrest

(…) While Venezuela boasts the world’s largest energy reserves, “chávismo” has spectacularly mismanaged the oil wealth, creating the country’s current problems.

“The main problem for PDVSA [the state-owned oil company] is the government’s fiscal voracity,” says David Voght, managing director of IPD Latin America, a consultancy. “Venezuela has focused more on politics than efficiency in its oil sector.”

Siphoning off PDVSA’S investment funds to pay for social programmes has so far helped maintain government support. Most protests have been in better-off neighbourhoods around the country.

“For the protests to be effective, they must include the poor,” says former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, a member of the opposition’s more moderate wing who cautions it is wrong to create expectations that the government is about to fall.

But scrimping on investment throttles Venezuela’s golden goose, increasing the likelihood of unrest. Less oil production means less money to spend on imports and thus greater shortages, while money-printing to fund a gaping fiscal deficit has fuelled inflation of more than 56 per cent.

Furthermore, much of Venezuela’s output is mortgaged. Production has fallen to some 3m barrels a day, from 3.1m a decade ago, according to official figures, of which 310,000 bpd pays off loans to China, about 400,000 bpd is sold to allies, such as Cuba, for sub-market prices or in barter deals, and about 600,000 bpd is used to meet heavily subsidised domestic consumption.

As a result, there is even less money to spend on imports. By way of illustration, Venezuela’s remaining 1.7m bpd generates about $58bn of revenues a year. In contrast, imports totalled $77bn in 2012, according to UN statistics.(…)

But, in the past, Venezuela solved similar cash crunches by issuing international bonds. That trick is harder to repeat now, given that Venezuelan bonds have posted the biggest losses in emerging debt this year. The country’s benchmark bond due in 2022 yields 18 per cent, almost twice the rate of equivalent Ukrainian bonds.

With foreign reserves of only $20bn, versus principal payments of $4.5bn due this year plus another $13bn of interest, bondholders increasingly wonder where they lie in the pecking order should the government re-prioritise imports over debt. (…)

NEW$ & VIEW$ (21 FEBRUARY 2014)

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index® (LEI) for the U.S. increased 0.3 percent in January to 99.5 (2004 = 100), following no change in December, and a 0.9 percent increase in November.
Philly Fed Misses Forecasts By a Wide Margin

Both the Empire and the Philly Fed declined “due to the harsh winter”. Yet, Markit’s flash PMI was very strong. Confused smile

Following on the heels of Tuesday’s weaker than expected Empire Manufacturing report, today’s Philly Fed also missed expectations by a wide margin.  While economists were forecasting a headline reading of 8.0, the actual reading was -6.3.  This is the lowest reading since February of 2013 and was the biggest miss relative to expectations since June 2012.

As shown in the table, just three (Delivery Time, Inventories, and Prices Received) of the nine components increased this month.  Of the six components that declined, Shipments and New Orders saw the largest drops, which doesn’t bode well in terms of economic strength. 

Once again, given the rough winter we have seen in the Philadelphia region, weather is being cited as the main culprit behind the weakness.  Whether or not you agree that the weather argument has any merit, the reality is that until it warms up, investors seem willing to give the economy the benefit of the doubt.  If you look at the forecast for the New York City area, it doesn’t look like it is going to consistently warm up any time soon.

Good news, though, lensing to small biz turned positive, barely (from BofAML)

(…) lending to small business is positive for the first time since the crisis — although nowhere near the level of the boom days of 2006 when credit expanded by more than a fifth.


imageThe U.S. CPI rose 0.1% in January, in line with the last six months, bringing the annualized rate of inflation to 1.2%. The total CPI’s 1.6% YoY increase should thus come down in coming months, unless monthly inflation picks up sharply.

Core CPI was also up 0.1%, also in line with the last six months (+1.4% a.r.), and is also up 1.6% YoY.

However, the Cleveland Fed median CPI rose by 0.2% for the third consecutive month, continuing to show YoY gains of 2.0%.

The inflation jury is still out, although there seems to be more and more inflation building in the pipeline. Consider that core PPI jumped 0.4% in January following a 0.3% rise in December. This is a 4.3% annualized rate over the last 2 months. Also, nonpetroleum import prices rose 0.4% in January.

Is Food Inflation Coming Back?


We highlighted the CRB/BLS Spot Foodstuffs Index last week. It’s continuing to rise but still remains lower year-on-year at this point. The question is whether this is the start of a broadly-based period of food price inflation?

Fingers crossed Grain prices forecast to fall to five-year lows Crop harvest expected to be close to record, says USDA

(…) We’re anticipating record crops in soyabeans and maybe even in corn with better production,” Joseph Glauber, US Department of Agriculture chief economist, said at the agency’s annual outlook forum. “All that will bring prices down.”

In the coming crop marketing year, corn will cost $3.90 per bushel, soyabeans $9.65 per bushel and wheat $5.30 per bushel, Mr Glauber said. These would be the lowest average prices since the year following a large 2009 US harvest.

Futures prices are currently far higher. CBOT December corn, a yardstick for this year’s harvest, was $4.6850 per bushel on Thursday, while CBOT November soyabeans were $11.4350 per bushel. (…)

High five  Richard Feltes, vice president of research at RJ O’Brien, a commodities broker, said the acreage forecasts did not appear to take into account the amount of land farmers were unable to plant last spring due to heavy rains.

“There is no allowance for the high ‘prevented plant’ that occurred last year. The trade is going to look on that with some degree of scepticism.” (…)


Even China’s Economists Are Singing the Blues China’s state media have long accused foreign analysts of being too bearish on the Chinese economy. Now domestic economist are chanting a pessimistic tune as well.

(…) “We are now in a painful stage,” economist Wang Luolin told a seminar this week.  “Let’s not try to dress things up,” said the consultant to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a government think tank.

Yu Bin, a senior researcher at the influential Development Research Center under the State Council, took a similarly pessimistic view.

“The fact is, China’s economic growth is facing substantial downward pressure,” he said. “I don’t think we should get our hopes up for this year’s growth.” (…)

“We expect the economic growth rate to be just above 7% this year, and that’s about it,” Mr. Yu said. That would be well below the 7.7% expansion in all of 2013.

Mr. Yu added that all three big drivers of China’s growth — investment, consumption and exports— are looking weak.

Overall investment growth is expected to slip to around 18% this year from 19.6% last year, the researcher said. The manufacturing sector has been struggling with overcapacity and cut-throat competition, and oversupply of property in third- and fourth-tier cities will likely dampen overall investment. Meanwhile, mounting local government debt may weigh on infrastructure investment, he said.

Li Daokui, a former central bank adviser who normally has a more upbeat outlook, also sees slowing momentum – at least for now. “We should be prepared psychologically” for a shaky start to the year, he said, adding that growth could drop below 7.5% year-on-year in the first quarter.

Sad smile Slower growth adds to the increasing risk that borrowers won’t be able to repay their creditors.(…)

As a reminder, courtesy of Zerohedge which has a lot more to say about the China syndrome:



Brazil vows $18.5bn cuts to woo investors Move to restore fiscal credibility after downgrade threat

(…) The primary budget goal is predicated not only on problematic cuts to discretionary spending but is also based on an overly optimistic estimate of 2.5 per cent growth this year, says Tony Volpon, an economist at Nomura. “We’ve just changed our estimate to 1.3 per cent.”


Final Earnings and Revenue Beat Rates for Q4 2013

The Q4 2013 earnings season unofficially came to an end this morning with Wal-Mart’s (WMT) report before the open.  For the quarter, 61.9% of US companies beat consensus analyst earnings estimates.  As shown in the first chart below, 61.9% is at the top end of the range the earnings beat rate has now been in since 2011.

The top-line revenue beat rate for the just-completed reporting period finished at 63.8%.  Over the first three quarters of 2013, market bears often noted the weakness in top-line numbers, but they finished the year strong at least versus analyst estimates.  The 63.8% revenue beat rate was the best quarterly reading we’ve seen since Q2 2011.


The Thomson Reuters Same Store Sales Index is expected to struggle to a 1.0% gain in Q4 2013, which ends Jan. 31 at many store chains. That compares to a 1.7% actual gain in the index during Q4 2012 and would be below the 3% gain that indicates a healthy consumer sector. Excluding Walmart, the expected SSS growth rate for Q4 2013 increases to 1.6%, compared to 1.9% a year earlier.

(…) Of the 75 companies in the SSS index, 29 have reported Q4 results. Of these, 39% exceeded their SSS estimates, while 61% missed them.

In the Thomson Reuters U.S. retail universe, there have been 83 negative earnings per share pre-announcements for Q4, compared to only 18 positive EPS pre-announcements. By dividing 83 by 18, one arrives at a negative/positive ratio of 4.6 for the universe. Expect this to worsen for Q1 2014. To date, there have been 18 negative earnings per share pre-announcements vs. only 3 positive – which brings us to a negative/positive ratio of 6 for the universe.

As a result of the negative guidance, analysts have become bearish on retailers, and have been lowering both earnings and same store sales expectations since the beginning of the quarter. At the beginning of the quarter (November 2013) the Same Store Sales growth estimate for the holiday season was 2.0%. Today, it is 1.0%, as seen in the chart below.



                                                                                                Source: Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S

Confidence in global recovery grows Survey reveals new fears over shortage of skilled labour

The latest FT/Economist Global Business Barometer survey, conducted at the end of January during the peak of concerns about emerging market fragility, shows an uptick in all measures of confidence.

Asked about global business conditions, 49 per cent said they expected them to get “better” or “much better”, a rise of 8 per cent on the previous quarter.

Respondents were more bullish about their individual businesses, with 59 per cent expecting conditions to improve (4 per cent higher than the previous survey) and 43 per cent saying conditions were the same in their respective industries (a 7 per cent rise).

While economic and market risk remained by some margin the biggest perceived threat, there was a notable easing of concern as the percentage citing it dropped to 52 per cent from 65 per cent the previous quarter.

As businesses become more confident, they are concerned about skilled labour. The survey showed that “talent and skills shortages” were slowly increasing, and were cited by 34 per cent of respondents as a risk, closing on “political risk” at 36 per cent. Respondents from North America were most concerned about skills shortages with 39 per cent citing it as one of the biggest worries for their business. (…)

The changing geopolitics of energy By David Petraeus and Ian Bremmer

In yesterday’s FT:

(…) The US energy revolution is far from the whole story. In Mexico, President Enrique Peña Nieto is moving forward with a historic energy-sector reform programme. Though much work still has to be done, it is clear the state-owned oil group Pemex will finally be forced to shed its monopoly and allow production-sharing contracts (and thereby reverse years of declining production). Long lead times for exploration and development of deepwater offshore acreage suggest that large production increases will take time, but the long-overdue Mexican reforms are welcome.

The energy boom also extends to Canada. There, America’s number one trading partner continues to increase production as it also seeks to diversify its market outlets for oil and gas exports, though it clearly will continue to export the vast majority of its oil resources to the US, where it supplies more than one-quarter of crude oil imports. Beyond that, after considerable delay, the Obama administration will probably approve the Keystone XL pipeline this year, providing a useful export route from Canadian oil sands to US refining markets. The cumulative effect of the developments in gas and oil production in the US, Canada and Mexico will be a continent that has much greater energy independence.

Meanwhile, discoveries in Brazil, Colombia, east Africa and elsewhere will come on line, adding to the supply surge.

Even in the turbulent Middle East, oil production capacity will rise this year. In Iraq, deteriorating security conditions in the Sunni Arab areas are hundreds of miles from oil facilities in the south, where the bulk of the country’s oil is produced. Oil production in the rest of Iraq represents less than 15 per cent of total volumes, and almost all of this year’s increases in export capacity will come from southern fields – though markets will watch developments in the Iraqi Kurdish region in the north.

In Libya, central governance is severely challenged, but the country’s competing factions have been careful not to kill the “golden goose” by damaging oil infrastructure. And assuming some deals between regional power brokers and the central authorities, export volumes should increase in the first half of 2014 from a few hundred thousand barrels a day to half or more of their pre-crisis volumes of 1.4m b/d.

Over the course of this year, the negotiation over the future of Iran’s nuclear programme will be the wild card to watch.(…) the more likely outcome will be a further extension of the interim agreement, pushing the issue into next year. If an agreement is reached, gradual oil sanctions relief will delay any resumption of full volumes into 2015, at the least, but supplies would then increase sharply thereafter.

All of these developments are bad news for governments that depend heavily on energy exports for their revenue. The Saudis, for example, who are anxious over the possibility of improved US relations with Iran, are watching this market shift closely, because market pressure to restrain output will leave them with less money to spend on projects meant to safeguard the kingdom’s stability at a time when those outlays are increasing substantially.

Russia has headaches too. When Vladimir Putin became president in 2000, oil and gas accounted for less than half of the country’s export revenue. Since then the percentage is now about two-thirds. Moreover, Russia’s European energy customers will have new options as US liquefied natural gas projects progress and as other potential exporters develop natural gas production. (…)

Venezuela’s troubles are the most immediate of all. That country, mired in its worst economic crisis in 30 years, is already plagued with spiralling inflation, consumer good shortages, power cuts and one of the world’s highest crime rates. And it sold much of its future production to China to generate funds to help win the recent national election. The challenges have accumulated so much that Caracas no longer publishes oil production or export statistics. (…) That is why lower oil prices are a potential disaster for Venezuela’s ruling party – and for Cuba’s Communists, who get by with cheap energy imports from their friends in Caracas. (…)

For decades, shifts in energy markets have reshuffled the deck of geopolitical winners and losers. That is now happening again. The latest trend looks here to stay, and the fallout has just begun.

Obama Budget Plan Reflects Partisan Lines President Obama’s 2015 budget proposal will abandon overtures to Republicans and call for a large expansion in spending on education and job training, in a push certain to ratchet up tensions in the already-fractured capital ahead of November’s elections.