The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it’s the illusion of knowledge (Stephen Hawking)

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so (Mark Twain)

Invest with smart knowledge and objective odds

NEW$ & VIEW$ (13 MARCH 2014)

Retail Sales Increase for First Time in Three Months

Thumbs up The 0.3 percent advance followed a 0.6 percent drop in January that was larger than initially reported, Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington.  The rebound in demand was broad-based with nine of 13 major categories showing increases.

Thumbs down The reading for January was revised down from an initially reported 0.4 percent decrease. December sales were also weaker, now showing a 0.3 percent drop compared with a previously reported 0.1 percent decrease. (…)


For those curious just how much real “growth” there is in retail spending, here is the annual change in the control group, which excludes food, auto dealers, building materials and gas stations, and feeds directly into GDP: it rose 0.3% from January, even as January was sharply revised from -0.2% to -0.6%, meaning net impact on GDP for Q1 is negative!

Auto Cars and light trucks sold at a 15.3 million annualized pace in February compared with a 15.2 million rate in January, according to data from Ward’s Automotive Group.

U.S. auto retailers have 3.76 million units sitting in their showrooms, about 87 days of inventory for the big three U.S. automakers, which is well above 65 days considered manageable within the industry. The inventory-to-sales ratio on the broader auto industry has jumped to 0.25 in February 2014 from 0.20 at the
beginning of 2013.

Given sluggish gains in real disposable income and the slowdown in residential investment, which is strongly linked with light truck purchases, it will probably take several months to bring sales into alignment with inventories. The result may be slowing durable goods orders, which would reinforce the reality that the weaker
pace of growth in the current quarter may not solely attributable to bad weather.

Goldman Cuts Q1 GDP Forecast To 1.5% On Weaker Retail Sales; Half Of Goldman’s Original Q1 GDP Forecast

From Goldman:

BOTTOM LINE: Although February retail sales rose a bit more than expected, negative back revisions more than offset the front-month surprise. Separately, initial and continuing jobless claims both fell more than expected. Import prices rose more than expected in February, but declined on a year-on-year basis. We reduced our Q1 GDP tracking estimate by two-tenths to 1.5%.

As a reminder, Goldman’s original Q1 GDP forecast, as recently as a month ago, was for a growth of 3%. How things change when weathermen, pardon economists, are shocked to find it gets cold in the winter…

So, bonds up or bonds down? (BloombergBriefs)

Bill Gross, who runs the world’s biggest bond fund at Pacific Investment Management Co., cut Treasuries and U.S. government-related debt in February. “Sell
what the Fed has been buying because they won’t be buying them when taper ends in October,” Gross wrote on Twitter last week.

Jeffrey Gundlach, founder of Double Line Capital LP, said 10-year Treasury yields will slide to 2.5 percent this year. Borrowing costs will decline as the Fed tapers its bond purchases amid a slowing global economy, he said.

U.S. import prices post largest gain in a year

The Labor Department said on Thursday import prices increased 0.9 percent last month, the biggest rise since February last year. January’s import prices were revised to show a 0.4 percent increase rather than the previously reported 0.1 percent gain.

Import prices excluding petroleum rose 0.2 percent in February after advancing 0.4 percent the prior month. Compared to February last year, they were down 0.6 percent. Petroleum prices rose 4.4 percent, the largest rise since August 2012.

Ex-oil, import prices are up 0.6% in 2 months, +3.7% a.r.

China Shows Fresh Signs of Economic Weakness

Industrial output rose 8.6% year-over-year in the January-February period, down from a 9.7% increase in December, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Thursday. The rise in the two months—combined to adjust for distortions from the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday—is the slowest since 2009.

Growth in fixed-asset investment also eased to 17.9% year-over-year, the weakest pace since 2002, down from 19.6% last year as a whole.

Retail sales rose 11.8% year-over-year in the January-February period, down from 13.6% year-over-year growth in December. Construction starts, a key driver of growth in recent years, fell by 27% in area terms.

Despite the fact that data were combined for the two months, analysts say the economic figures so far this year may still include distortions from the period when many factories close down and migrant workers return to distant villages for the new year celebration.

“Usually the March data would be slightly better than the first two months,” said Ma Xiaoping, an economist at HSBC in Beijing.

Hmmm, please keep reading:


CEBM Research March survey reveals that:

  • The overall performance of steel market was below expectations in February. Generally, end demand remained weak post-Festival, the traditional start of
    industrial activity for the year.
  • 31% of responders reported cement sales were lower than their forecasts, higher than January by 24%.
  • The machinery tool manufacturers said that the demand remains at a low level; the construction machinery manufacturers and dealers said the potential buyers hesitate about the construction project starts.
  • The February CEBM Auto Sales vs. Expectations Index was -50% and the passenger vehicle sales in February saw both a decline in Y/Y and M/M growth, showing that sales conditions were below market expectations this month.
  • Container exports index is slightly below the expectation in February, and all respondents reported that shipment volume decreased after the Chinese New Year due to seasonality. The shipping fees dropped simultaneously with volume, and US routes decreased more than the Southeast Asian routes.
  • The textile exports are lackluster after the Spring Festival, leading to a pessimistic outlook in 2014.
  • Over two-thirds of our survey respondents told that department store sales adjusted for Chinese New Year effect were weaker-than expected. Moreover, majority of them expressed worries about sales in March, suggesting that weakness would probably persist for a prolonged period.

But, even though Premier Li said that the economy faces “severe challenges”, don’t get overly worried; like in the U.S., forward guidance is flexible!

(…)  As to what comes next, Premier Li Keqiang’s press conference today following the closing of the National People’s Congress was instructive. Mr Li sounded relaxed and keen to emphasize that the “about 7.5%” GDP growth target was flexible. Asked to clarify, Mr Li simply said that GDP growth “needs to sustain ample employment and income growth.”… Further ahead, the government does have room to act if growth slows towards, say, 7%. Its fiscal position is strong and there are no immediate constraints on credit growth. (Mark Williams and Julian Evans-Pritchard, Capital Economics via WSJ)

In Chinese politics, this is all one needs to know: “growth needs to sustain ample employment and income growth.”. Otherwise, the people may not be happy and a bunch of unhappy Chinese is a big, big bunch…

Despite Low Inflation, China Has Little Room to Cut Rates

(…) The 7-day repo rate, a benchmark of interbank interest rates, fell to 2.2% this week, the lowest in almost two years. Weak growth also could induce the government to cut banks’ reserve requirement ratios later this year, according to Shen Minggao, head of China research at Citigroup, freeing up more money for lending.

But there are signs that this easing is of limited use and carries serious risks. The 2008 stimulus never really stopped, and the country’s overall debt load grew to 213% of gross domestic product last year, according to Standard & Poor’s rating agency. That compares with 140% of a much smaller GDP in 2007.

Worse, it’s not clear that all that lending is going where it’s most needed. China’s banks direct much of their lending to big industrial players or local governments, which are seen as having an implicit guarantee from the aloof but more solvent national government in Beijing.

Meanwhile, small private-sector businesses have never had an easy time getting credit, in spite of government initiatives to support them. Banks are not keen on lending to new customers. According to the most recent China Beige Book, a survey of the private sector carried out four times a year, only 14% of bankers said that more than 30% of their loans went to new customers. Much credit simply went to rolling over old loans.

Tied in knots by years of these distortions, China’s financial system is doing a poor job of sending money where it’s needed. Lower interest rates would leak into financing for property developers and heavy industry, despite the government’s best efforts to channel money away from those industries.

“If money gets cheaper, it’s possible that less productive local governments and SOEs will end up sucking up more liquidity,” Mr. Shen said. “There’s a crowding-out effect.”

In most economies, low inflation would give policy makers a license to start easing monetary policy. But in China, things aren’t so simple.

Li says China defaults ‘unavoidable’ Premier says government will ensure failures no risk to economy

Two good charts from Ed Yardeni:



New Zealand raises interest rates First developed nation to tighten since US began taper

(…) The Reserve Bank of New Zealand moved to lift interest rates by 0.25 per cent to 2.75 per cent on Thursday, having stuck at a record low of 2.5 per cent since March 2011, a month after a devastating earthquake in Christchurch killed 185 people.

Graeme Wheeler, reserve bank governor, noted the bigger than expected climb in economic growth and said inflationary pressures were increasing. The economy grew by 3.3 per cent in the year to the end of February, above the Bank’s previous estimate of 2.8 per cent growth.

“While headline inflation has been moderate, inflationary pressures are increasing and are expected to continue to do so over the next two years,” he said. “In this environment it is important that inflation expectations remain contained.” (…)

Mr Wheeler said the cash rate may be increased by a total of 125 basis points in 2014, depending on economic data, to move average inflation close to its 2 per cent target. (…)

I. Bernobul
  • From Zacks Research:
  • Do Not Believe It
    The decline the last two days is reminiscent of the beginning of the year. That is when everyone expected stocks to just keep pushing higher and higher only to get served a nasty pullback.
    Now is no different. And it deserves no more thought or consideration because as soon as you believe this is a real problem and sell your shares, that is exactly when the market will bounce.
    Solution = Just hold on to your favorite top ranked stocks and load up more on the dips. (Zacks Research)

  • From Factset
  • S&P 500 Forward 12-Month P/E Ratio: 15 YearsDuring the past week (on March 6), the value of the S&P 500 index closed at yet another all-time high. The forward 12-month P/E ratio for the S&P 500 now stands at 15.4, based on yesterday’s closing price (1877.03) and forward 12-month EPS estimate ($121.86). Given the record high values driving the “P” in the P/E ratio, how does this 15.4 P/E ratio compare to historical averages?

    The current forward 12-month P/E ratio is above both the 5-year average (13.2) and the 10-year average (13.8). The P/E ratio has been above the 5-year average for more than a year (since January 2013), while it has been above the 10-year average for the past six months. With the forward P/E ratio well above the 5-year and 10-year averages, one could argue that the index may now be overvalued.

    On the other hand, the current forward 12-month P/E ratio is still below the 15-year average (16.0). During the first two years of this time frame (1999 – 2001), the forward 12-month P/E ratio was consistently above 20.0, peaking at around 25.0 at various points in time. With the forward P/E ratio still below the 15-year average and not close to the higher P/E ratios recorded in the early years of this period, one could argue that the index may still be undervalued.

    It is interesting to note that the forward 12-month P/E ratio would be even higher if analysts were not projecting record-level EPS for the next four quarters. At this time, the Q4 2013 quarter has the record for the highest bottom-up EPS at $28.78. However, starting in Q2 2014, industry analysts are projecting EPS for each of the next four quarters to exceed this record amount. In aggregate, they are calling for 11.3% growth in EPS over the next four quarters (Q214 – Q115), compared to the previous four quarters (Q213 – Q114).

Good grief! Now, even fairly respectable organizations are sending it. Zacks’ may not be too bad (what should we think about?) but Factset is downright misleading with its 16.0x 15-year average P/E beginning in 1999. Fact-set!!!!


Prem Watsa, chairman and CEO of Fairfax Financial, is often regarded as the Canadian Warren Buffett. Some extracts from his recent letter to shareholders, courtesy of long time reader Gary W.)

In the last few years we have discussed the huge real estate bubble in China. In case you continue to be a skeptic, here are a few observations from Anne Stevenson Yang, an American who has been in China for over 20 years and is the founder of JCapital Research in Beijing:

1. China added 5.9 billion square metres of commercial buildings between 2008 and 2012 – the equivalent of more than 50 Manhattans – in just five years!

2. In 2012, China completed about 2 billion square metres of residential floor space – approximately 20 million units. For perspective, the U.S. at its peak built 2 million homes in a year.

3. At the end of 2013, China had about 6.6 billion square metres of new residential space under construction, around 60 million units.

4. Yinchuan, a city of 1.2 million people including the suburbs, has 30 million square metres of available apartments – roughly 300,000 units that could house 900,000 people. This is in addition to the delivered but unoccupied units. The city of Guiyang, capital of Guizhou Province, has roughly 5.5 million extra units for a
city of 5 million.

5. In almost every city Anne has visited, pretty much the whole existing housing stock has been replicated and is empty.

6. Home ownership rates in China are estimated to be over 100% versus 65% in the U.S. Many cities report ownership over 200%. Tangshan, near Beijing, is one.

7. This real estate boom could only be financed through unrestrained credit growth. Since 2009, the Chinese banks have grown by the equivalent of the entire U.S. banking system or 15% of world GDP.

8. The real estate bubble has resulted in companies extensively borrowing and investing in real estate or lending on real estate in the shadow banking system. This is exactly what happened in Japan in the late 1980s.

9. And one observation of our own: Since 2009, the easing by the Federal Reserve combined with the explosive growth in China, backed by higher interest rates, has resulted in huge inflows (‘‘hot money’’) into China. The near unanimous view that the renminbi would strengthen has resulted in a massive carry trade where
speculators have borrowed at low rates across the world and invested in China, almost always backed by real estate. The shadow banking system in China – i.e., assets not on the books of the major Chinese banks – is estimated by Bank of America Merrill Lynch to be approximately $4.7 trillion or 51% of Chinese GDP. Oddly
enough, prior to the credit crisis, the U.S. had $4.5 trillion in asset-backed securities outstanding or approximately 31% of U.S. GDP. You know what happened then. When the flows reverse in China, watch out!

These observations remind me again of the following quote from Michael Lewis’ essay in Vanity Fair, ‘‘When Irish Eyes are Crying’’, which I wrote to you about in our 2010 Annual Report: ‘‘Real estate bubbles never end with soft landings. A bubble is inflated by nothing firmer than expectations. The moment people cease to believe that house prices will rise forever, they will notice what a terrible long term investment real estate has become and flee the market, and the market will crash.’’ Amen!

As they say, it is better to be wrong, wrong, wrong and then right than the other way around! For those of you who believe a picture is worth a thousand words, please watch the recent BBC documentary ‘‘How China Fooled the World’’.

Finally, in our 2007 Annual Report, we quoted Hyman Minsky, the father of the Financial Instability Hypothesis, who said that history shows that ‘‘stability causes instability’’. Prolonged periods of prosperity lead to leveraged financial structures that cause instability. This quote was in relation to the U.S. in 2007. It applies in spades to China in 2013!

Any credit event in China will have very significant ramifications for the world economy, as China is the world’s second largest economy and consumes 40% to 50% of most commodities from iron ore to copper. Here’s an update on the commodity price tables I have shared with you before:

While commodity prices have come down, they have yet to collapse. Of course, a collapse would have a very significant impact on the mining industry. World iron ore capacity has increased by more than 100% in the last ten years, mainly because Chinese demand has nearly quadrupled! Of course, any decline in commodity prices will impact Canada, as I mentioned in last year’s Annual Report. Unlike the U.S., Canada has not had a decline in house prices, and as I said last year, we are watching from the sidelines. Caveat emptor, as they say!

In this environment, with zero interest rates and high debt levels prevailing in most developed countries, giving them limited flexibility to react to unintended consequences, we think it is prudent to have a very strong balance sheet with a large cash position and to be protected on the downside. When problems hit, only those with cash and very liquid assets can take advantage of them. While it is very painful and costly waiting, we think your (and our!) patience will be rewarded.

We are reminded again of the warning from the distant past from our mentor, Ben Graham, which I have quoted before: ‘‘Only 1 in 100 survived the 1929-1932 debacle if one was not bearish in 1925.’’ We continue to be early – and bearish!