This blog seeks to provide pertinent facts and independent, truly unbiased and often contrarian thinking for investors.
I strive for thoroughness and objectivity. This is a game of probabilities, risk vs reward, which we play according to our own personal situation that dictates our individual level of risk aversion.
The Edge comes from seeking and objectively analyzing timely and pertinent information.
The Odds are the probabilistic relationship between risk and reward at any given moment in time.
Combining a strong edge with favorable odds is the winning formula.
Watch this video to better understand my “financial scout mindset” (particularly relevant after the 8:00 minutes mark although all eleven minutes are interesting):
My Daily Edge post provides readers with a continuous and organized flow of pertinent news and views on the most important trends in economy and finance. Information overload taken care of.
I also regularly post on equity markets, valuation and other matters of interest to investors.
Retired after being involved in the investment business since 1975, I have been blogging since January 2009 while managing money for friends, family and myself.
My investment career began on the sell side with 10 years as an analyst and research director. The next 25 years were spent on the buy side managing equities for pension, mutual and hedge funds organizations.
This blog is totally open and free and will remain so.
Please make sure you read this disclaimer: This blog contains facts, views and opinions posted essentially for my own personal needs. In effect, all the work behind this blog is for my own needs for pertinent facts, thorough and objective analysis and appropriate risk assessment. In effect, posting my own research, analysis and investment views requires me to be thorough, rational, logical and honest.
This is not professional advice in any way, shape or form and should not be construed that way. In other words, beware, especially since I provide no assurance or guarantee of “up-time”, reliability, and even sanity, even though I work very hard toward such goals.